4 DIY Remedies For Mole Removal

The exact shape and size of a mole will vary from person to person. But moles typically develop on the face, neck, arms and legs. If you have recently developed a few moles in annoying spots, you are likely interested in some mole removal tips. While a dermatologist would be the most qualified individual to speak to, there are some potential home remedies you can try if you want to get rid of your moles on your own.


Garlic is great for turning back vampires and destroying moles. Get a clove of garlic from the grocery and grind it into a paste. Rub the paste into a cloth and then place the cloth over the affected skin while you sleep at night. For best results, try to apply the cloth for at least an hour more than once per day. It could take up to a few weeks but over time the garlic paste will cause the mole to scab. Oh, and be sure to wash up before you go into work or kiss your significant other.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This substance which you can find at your local grocery store will slowly work to remove your mole over time once it is applied to your skin. Take a cotton ball and drench it in the apple cider vinegar. Then, place the cotton ball over the mole and use a band-aid to hold it in place for about 8 hours. Keep doing this daily and eventually the mole should turn into a scab and then fall off.


If you'd like to use a substance for mole removal that smells better than garlic or vinegar, perhaps some honey will do the trick. Apply the honey directly to the affected area and cover it with a bandage. Let it soak for at least an hour and then wash off. Repeat daily until the mole is gone.


If you don't have any garlic, apple cider vinegar or honey in the pantry, it's time to go outside and pick some flowers. Yes, seriously. The milky liquid inside a dandelion's root is very effective at removing moles. Rub the stem of the flower directly on the mole several times a day for at least an hour. You could also try applying the liquid from the root directly to the mole. 

If you've developed some ugly moles on your skin, your best course of action is to contact a dermatologist, like Associated Skin Care Specialists. But if you want to try and fix the problem yourself, there are a variety of items that you might already have at home that can help. If your skin should become irritated after applying any of these substances, however, contact a skin care professional immediately.
